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Haptonymous (video, 5:00) 2014

Code for the video project is to determine the haptic ( haptics) - science about the feeling and touching. Name Haptonymous consists of two parts, the Greek haptikos (tactile) and the Latin anonymus (anonymous). The sense of touch, of all the senses is the most immediate and rooted in the origins of life. Tactile contact forms the basis of the conceptual systems: hard - soft, heavy - light, cold - hot, smooth - rough, dry - wet, touch - impact, friction – pinch …
Appropriate to touch a specific aspect of tactile - concept of political touch. In addition to bodily perceptions - can be detected and the following active moments communications: the diplomatic tensions, military clashes, easy communication, painful relations, rough edges in the communication, the mild climate, the hot spot, the cold war, dry residue, etc.
Using folk music refers to preserve and liberating character of the ancient culture, which is clearly demonstrated by the recent events in Ukraine, on Maydan Nezalezhnosti.

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